AutoPas  3.0.0
No Matches

AutoPas is a node-level auto-tuned particle simulation library developed in the context of the TaLPas project. CI Status


The documentation can be found at our website:

Alternatively, you can build the documentation on your own:

  • Requirements: Doxygen
  • make doc_doxygen


As AutoPas is only a library, it is not able to run simulations by itself. We have, however, included a few example proxy applications in the examples directory. The examples include:

Using AutoPas

Please look at our user documentation pages.

Developing AutoPas


This work was financially supported by:

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, project "Task-based load balancing and auto-tuning in particle simulations" (TaLPas) 8, grant numbers 01IH16008A and 01IH16008B.
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, project "Verbundprojekt: Simulationssoftware für Exascale-Supercomputer zur Berechnung von Dreikörperwechselwirkungen" (3xa), grant number 16ME0652K.
  • Federal Ministry of Defense, Germany, through Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, project "Makro/Mikro-Simulation des Phasenzerfalls im Transkritischen Bereich" (MaST).
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, project "Verbundprojekt: In Windkraftanlagen integrierte Second-Life-Rechencluster" (WindHPC), grant number 16ME0611.

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